Microsoft Word 2016
Microsoft Word 2016

Microsoft Word 2016

Review by

Sam, software expert

Microsoft word 2016is a word-processing app by Microsoft Corporation. As the latest offering in the market, this app is equipped with features that enable it to enhance positive user experience.

Among the features to expect with this version include:

  • The ability to view and edit PDF files. This makes it easy to send official documents in PFD form and expect them to be worked on accordingly.
  • The app comes with a read mode which clears the screen of all menus when reading large amounts of content or when doing intensive reading.
  • It offers more seamless integration with OneDrive enabling you to store and back up your files. You will also have an easier time synchronizing your work with other authors in real time.
  • The MS word 2016 comes with tools which enable easy editing of documents for more accurate work. This is especially important for official and, or academic documents.
  • There are added charts within the app such as Treemap, Waterfall, Pareto, Histogram, Box and Whisker for better presentation.
  • The app allows you to view previous versions of the document. This makes editing work easier.
  • There is a “tell me” features which enable Microsoft to guide you through various tasks.






Runs on:

Windows 7 / 8 / 10


English / German / Portuguese / French / Russian / Italian / Dutch / Spanish / Polish

Last updated on:

May 07, 2019

File size:

- MB

16.08.2019 00:39

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